After PTA's Decision of blocking explicit websites Pakistani ISP's (Internet Service Providers) have started the blocking of Adult & Explicit Websites.
In the Middle of Oct 2011 PTA had decided to block the websites having Adult and Explicit content. In this regard for the first step a huge list of 150,000 Explicit Websites was sent to the ISP's and Mobile Services to implement on it. It is reported that about 1000 of Adult Websites (names of them we can't show for some reasons) had been blocked but it is assured that all 1000 websites were Adult and some of them are top 100 in Alexa ranking which were mostly viewed in Pakistan.
In other hand Pakistani ISP's are feared to block those thousands of site in a single step because they say that this will cause in slow performance by routers and increased latency to high numbers of filters over the network.
Another huge group of users thinks that PTA will got an upper cut to block any website uner the cover of explicit material rule and as all the Pakistani Departments are doing wrong thing using thier Authorities PTA will do the same, but the PTA Authorities tells that the Process of blocking websites will be clean, clear and Transperant so that no one has to object on it.
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